It must be the first web development trend that you must always focus on. Providing a better user experience is the desired goal of every website owner. Equally important is answering the user’s question and helping the user with their task. In many cases, companies hire staff to provide 24*7 support to their users. In most cases, these compliments with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Fromn  this, chatbots can create that can guide visitors and provide them with instant support.



Chatbot communication is increasing daily and has spread to various platforms like social media websites, e-commerce websites, apps, and many other similar platforms. Year after year, AI and machine learning are getting smarter and can now solve even the most complex problems. It can also provide better and more efficient customer service to users. It will guide your users to complete a transaction, answer their questions and direct them to the appropriate parts of your website.


Some platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google have invested heavily in chatbots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning and expect to significantly change the web development industry. Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and similar websites are already using these web development technologies

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